ロックマン4 新たなる野望!!はカプコンから発売されたファミコン向けゲームソフト。価格は7800円。
ファミコン&ディスク30作品のGAME OVER BGM Part04。五目ならべ 連珠→ワイルドガンマン→ダックハント→ホーガンズアレイ→アーバンチャンピオン→ディグダグ→ハイパーオリンピック→ハイパースポーツ→いっき→カラテカ→ディグダグII→マイティボンジャック→グラディウス→ソロモンの鍵→スーパースターフォース 時空暦の秘密→怒→メトロクロス→キングコング2→時空の旅人→とびだせ大作戦→沙羅曼蛇→JJ→VS.エキサイトバイク→グラディウスII→トップガン デュアルファイターズ→イメージファイト→ピーパータイム→スパルタンX2→ぷよぷよ→ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! ◆Part03sm2837250 ◆Part05sm2913113 ■BGM集mylist/6275615
最近またちょこちょこと、うpしています。ロックマン9のゆっくり実況はじめて見ましたsm7480326 かつてうpしていたものとかmylist/13261514
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 次→sm11950412 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
test動画 昔はこんなんじゃなかったんだが エンコ&プレイ順 ダストsm262850トードsm263168ブライトsm263487ドリルsm264560ファラオsm268820スカルsm276891 リングsm278569ダイブsm315097
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 前→sm11958238 次→sm11974729 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 前→sm11950412 次→sm11974534 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
7月13日にTASvideosへ提出された、最新TAS動画です。 旧記録(sm288363)より2897フレーム、48.3秒を短縮したそうです。 Player : Aglar(Mikael Johansson) / 追記回数 : 84226 TASvideos : http://tasvideos.org/2030S.html エンコ設定 : H.264 130kbps / AAC-HE 32kbps / 30fps 【7月24日 追記】比較動画を試しにうpしてみました→sm4063021
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 前→sm11974534 次→sm11980069 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 前→sm11999739 次→sm12015856 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
いい大人達がFC版「ロックマン4」を本気で遊んでみました。 本人達は至って本気でプレイしておりますが腕前の方はお察し下さい。 登場人物:いつも愉快なタイチョー、紅一点マオー、頼れる技術担当ノッチ、いつものんびりオニーチャン、メンバー1の常識人ユーチャン、歳はみんなと同じだけどオッサン。 前→sm11980069 次→sm12015726 これまでの実況はこちら→mylist/17828031
■ Family Computer (Wii Virtual Console) ■ ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! (Megaman4) ■ [FC] ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! OP www.youtube.com ● ロックマンシリーズ www.youtube.com
■ Family Computer (Wii Virtual Console) ■ ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! (Megaman4) ■ [FC] ロックマン4 新たなる野望!! ED www.youtube.com ● ロックマンシリーズ www.youtube.com
Playlist: www.youtube.com --- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 16: Final Battle against Dr. Wily. Pharaoh Shot and Ring Boomerang are the only special weapons that can deal damage to Wily 3. Good luck Rock! Wily 3rd time: Use powered-up Pharaoh Shots. Dont bother firing but instead hit him with the ball over your head. Keep moving as Wily appears randomly. Take note of his position when he flashes onto the screen then aim at that spot. He will still be in that location for several seconds after he disappears which means you can still hit him even though you can no longer see him.Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the b.../b
08 Drill Man Stage walkthrough part 8Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 8: Drill Man is fairly difficult while he runs about the arena shooting his exploding Drill bombs beware when he burrows underground as he’ll shortly pop up underneath your last position. With the Wire Adaptor you could spend an eternity attached to the ceiling without getting harmed by Drill Man. Music: ’Shades of Blue’ by Psychrophyte (Overclocked Remix of Dive Man’s Stage) Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= (Possible Spoilers and information that could make you superhuman if you read it) Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and b.../b
03 Pharaoh Man Stage walkthrough part 3Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 3: Pharaoh Man has got to be one of the tougher bosses in MM4 and I figured I’d try my luck without using his vulnerability until I realized that if I kept that up I’d end up losing. Note that Doctor Light is off his rocker (has a screw loose). Also Rock and Roll have some sort of innuendo chemistry together. Enjoy the entertaining exploits in Mega Man 4. Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= (Possible Spoilers and information that could make you superhuman if you read it) Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and NES late in the b.../b
04 Ring Man Stage walkthrough part 4Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 4: Time to defeat Ring Man now this is one of my favorite Mega Man stages. Also Dr. Light is losing it seriously he’s going a little crazy. Ring Man is a bit effeminate sounding... if only they got better voice actors still... it’s funny. Ringman is replaced by Hook Man his power is a hook for a hand and to say the phrase: ’I’m a codfish!’ Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= (Possible Spoilers and information that could make you superhuman if you read it) Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and NES late in the console’s life b.../b
02 Bright Man Stage walkthrough part 2Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 2: Fighting Bright Man this time around. I decided to use his weakness and I also chose not to avoid his Flash Stopper for some reason either... I naturally added some quotes from the old mega man cartoon various episode lines for comic relief and lame puns but hopefully people find it entertaining. Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= (Possible Spoilers and information that could make you superhuman if you read it) Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and NES late in the console’s life (1991-93). Mega Man 4 (ロックマン 4 新たなる b.../b
15 Dr. Wily Stage 3 walkthrough part 15Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 15: Going to have a huge rematch against all the Robot Masters of Mega Man 4. Image at the end is Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter Ryu Nina and Lin (Rin). Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and NES late in the console’s life (1991-93). Mega Man 4 (ロックマン 4 新たなる野望!! Rokkuman Fō Arata Naru Yabō!!? Rockman 4: A New Ambition!!) is a video game from the original Mega Man series. The game was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America and Europe and for the Famicom b.../b
Done on FL Studio 9 w/Megaman/Rockman 7 samples.
13 Dr. Wily Stage 1 walkthrough part 13Mega Man 4 (IV) ロックマン 4 新たなる野望--- Playthrough / Walkthrough Part 13: Turns out Dr. Wily was fabricating the truth pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. With Dr. Cossack and Kalinka reunited Mega Man must pursue and defeat Dr. Wily yet again. Beware the spikes he spent a bit more money to install some extra spikes in this stage. Story: A year after the destruction of Gamma a mysterious message arrives at Dr. Light’s Lab... Good Evening Dr. Light: Allow me to introduce myself - I am Dr. Cossack. You may not have heard of me but soon the world will know my name. Over the years you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer in the world while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius! From my Siberian citadel I’ve sent eight of my most powerful robots to destroy the titanium troublemaker Mega Man. Once they have obliterated him I will place his broken body on display for the entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as the greatest robot designer of all time! Signed Dr. Cossack =-=-= Mega Man 4 known in Japan as Rockman 4: A New Evil Ambition! is the fourth game in the Mega Man series released for the Famicom and NES late in the console’s life (1991-93). Mega Man 4 (ロックマン 4 新たなる野望!! Rokkuman Fō Arata Naru Yabō!!? Rockman 4: A New Ambition!!) is a video game from the original Mega Man b.../b
攻略本/雑誌/ムック 攻略本(ファミコン)を探すならゲーム本体/ソフトのオークション モバオク!
ホームページ ROCKMAN ロックマンシリーズ攻略 ロックマン4. ロックマン4 新た なる野望! ... FC版の操作説明を載せてあります。PS版についてはゲーム内で確認 できるので省略。 ■ 基礎知識 ロックマン4をプレイするうえで基本と思われることなど 。 ...
1991年12月6日 ... ロックマン4 新たなる野望 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード クソゲー 笑ゲー レビュー 動画 神プレイ. 懐ゲー ファミコン スーパーファミコン スーファミ アーケード ...
ゲーム「ロックマン4 新たなる野望」 (ファミコン)の画像、ユーザー評価など詳細な ゲーム情報を紹介。 「ロックマン4 新たなる野望」についての45コ以上の裏技、攻略、 ゲーム動画、関連ニュース記事、質問、ヒント、レビューに簡単にアクセスできます!
ロックマン4 新たなる野望 (箱説なし) 【状態】 中古 あくまで一度人手に渡った中古品 になります。 ご不明な点などございましたら事前にお問い合わせ下さい。 ※ファミコン 用のソフトですこちらの商品は、1回のお買物で4000円以上で送料無料です。 ...
【楽天オークション】: 商品説明 ☆ファミコン☆カセット【ロックマン4 新たなる野望 !】☆ 状態: 中 ...
2011年5月28日 ... (ソフトのみ)-【楽天オークション】:ご覧いただきありがとうございます ...
ファミリーコンピュータ(ファミコン)「ロックマン4 新たなる野望(ソフトのみ)」【 中古】が、 →934円(税抜)!品数豊富&安心のスーパー ... ファミコン通販・プレステ 通販・中古ゲーム通販といえば「秋葉原レトロ館」でおなじみのスーパーポテト! ...
eu gostei do super jogo da vida
スーパー人生ゲーム2 - レトロゲームDB · 11 years ago
Hi, hope u have time to visit my channel to checkout my new animation on Contra, Thanks :)
コントラ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
スーパーマリオブラザーズ - レトロゲームDB · 13 years ago
レトロゲーム関連情報をいち早くお届け! レトロゲームDB公式ツイッターです、是非フォローしてください。